
Thursday, 27 July 2017



This week in reading Azure and Cobalt were reading a story about the most polluted  place on earth called Henderson Island. We were instructed to read the story and highlight the key words. Next we were told to make a big plan with a summary, key words and the main parts of the story the LPG is #3 I can locate and summarise ideas by skimming or scanning ,by identifying key words, topic sentences, and key questions or by using sub-headings.



This week in maths on wednesday we all did a basic facts test LPG # 16 and 17 I can solve multiplication and division problems using a range of different strategies. and 14 and 15 I can solve addition and subtraction using a range of different strategies as you can see bellow I have proof that I can do these LPG's



This week in writing we've been working on narrative writing LPG # 9 I can independently select and write in different ways for different purposes:recount, argue, describe, explain and narrate. as you can see bellow I have proof that I can do that LPG.