
Monday, 27 November 2017



This week in maths we were practising for our basic facts test and I did LPG# 14 I can solve addition using a range of different strategies. Bellow you can see a pic.

Thursday, 26 October 2017



this week in math I did LPG# 14, 15, 16, 17. I can multiply, divide, add and subtract using different strategies.



This morning we started learning about oceans.
I found out that waves are formed by energy flowing through the water.
And later on, I want to find out why turtles are shaped in there unique way.

Thursday, 19 October 2017



This week in writing we made a wheel LPG# 4 I can independently write an explanation or report.



This week in math we did a basic fact test LPG# 14, 15, 16, 17 I can solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using different strategies.



This week in reading we've been doing free chose reading LPG# 1 I can monitor my writing for accuracy and sense.

Thursday, 28 September 2017



This week in math we did a basic facts test LPG# 14, 15, 16, 17 I can solve multiplication, division, addition and subtraction using a range of different strategies. Bellow see a pic.



This week in reading we were reading on websites and the school library LPG# 2 I can locate and summarise by skimming and scanning. Bellow see a pic.



This week in writing we were doing a writing blast about animals I did a panther, LPG# 4 I can independently write a report with a introduction, a series of main points and a logical conclusion.Bellow see a pic.

Thursday, 7 September 2017



This week in writing we were writing about one of our favourite memories at Hurupaki LPG# 3 I can independently write about a personal experience.



This week in reading we were split into groups and we read a story called the chewed furniture caper LPG# 3 I can locate and summarise by skimming and scanning.Bellow you can see a pic.



This week in math I was focusing on LPG# 13 Equivalent ratios and now I can do it. Bellow you can see a pic.

Thursday, 24 August 2017



This week in reading we were told to pick a story read it and then do an activity like a freeze frame or a story map I chose to do a know your character. LPG# 5 I can evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a few texts.



This week in writing we were doing fact or fib when you do this you try to convince people if you've done something or not this is LPG# 9 I can independently select and write to explain or argue a point.Bellow you can see a pic.


Wednesday, 23 August 2017



This week in math we got to choose a LPG and practice it I chose LPG# 13 Equivalent ratios. bellow you can see a pic.

Thursday, 10 August 2017



This week for reading we were told to read some articles about the ocean and pollution and its LPG# 3 I can locate and summarise ideas by skimming or scanning the text. Bellow you can see a pic.




This week in writing we were told to publish our writing onto a  book that we made ourselves and we were making an argue and I chose to write about more school trips. it was LPG# 6 I can independently write to argue a point. Bellow you can see a pic.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017



This week for math we were working on an LPG and I chose LPG# 13 Equivalent Ratios because I need to work on it for next year at intermediate. And we only had 10 minutes and it's really hard. Bellow you can see a picture.

Thursday, 3 August 2017



This week in math we did a basic facts test LPG# 9 multiplication and division facts my time was ok 4:58. Bellow you can see a pic.



This week in writing we were publishing our writing about a picture we were given in groups of three this is LPG# 3 I can independently write about a personal experience or a character and include thoughts and feelings.Bellow you can see a pic.



This week in reading my group was told that we had to do a word find and finish the key word sheet we were doing LPG# 3 I can skimm and Scam my reading topic to find key words.Bellow you can see a pic.

Thursday, 27 July 2017



This week in reading Azure and Cobalt were reading a story about the most polluted  place on earth called Henderson Island. We were instructed to read the story and highlight the key words. Next we were told to make a big plan with a summary, key words and the main parts of the story the LPG is #3 I can locate and summarise ideas by skimming or scanning ,by identifying key words, topic sentences, and key questions or by using sub-headings.



This week in maths on wednesday we all did a basic facts test LPG # 16 and 17 I can solve multiplication and division problems using a range of different strategies. and 14 and 15 I can solve addition and subtraction using a range of different strategies as you can see bellow I have proof that I can do these LPG's



This week in writing we've been working on narrative writing LPG # 9 I can independently select and write in different ways for different purposes:recount, argue, describe, explain and narrate. as you can see bellow I have proof that I can do that LPG.

Thursday, 29 June 2017



This week in math we've been preparing for the student lead conferences so we had to highlight LPG's and we put stickys on the pages so we can find what we want to show our parents one of the LPG's I highlighted was number 2 I can order numbers to 1,000,000 as you can see bellow I have proof that I can do it and have highlighted it.



 This week in reading we've been preparing for the student lead conferences we've had to highlight the LPG's that we can do an put sticky's in our books so we can find what we want to find one of the LPG's I've highlighted are LPG number 5 I can evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a few you can see below I have proof that I highlighted it and can do it.

Thursday, 22 June 2017



This week in writing I we were working on LPG's highlighting and getting ready for the student lead conferences as you look down you will see two pics.
We used pics as motivation for free writing which was LPG 9 I can independently select and write in different ways for different purposes; recount, argue, describe, explain, narrate.



this week in maths we were learning to divide fractions by fractions the strategy is same change flip. witch means you keep the first fraction the same. Change the sign to X and you flip the numbers from the second fraction. The LPG is number 16 and 17; solve multiplication and division problems using a range of different strategies. Down bellow you can see a pic.

Thursday, 15 June 2017



this week in reading I read a story called Das Piano it was about a boy who is at war with his teacher and has to sig god save the King 10 times down bellow you can see a pic.



this week in math we were learning how to multiply fractions by fractions witch does not have an LPG down bellow you can see a pic



this week for writing we did a recipe on how to make ?For mine I did Gibbiwakys for witch is poetry there is an LPG 22 down bellow you can see a pic enjoy.

Thursday, 8 June 2017



This week in writing I was working on LPG number 16 I can organise related information into different sections. I think that I did quite well my rateing is 7.6 because it went well and everything turned out great.



This week in art I was working on the lake Ora art and I'm nearly finished all I have to do is Vivid, Water collar, Write and collar. there is a pic waiting down bellow.



This week in math the LPG that  was working on was number 16 I can solve multiplication using a range of different strategies. I rate myself a 8.2 because we were away for winter sports and the queens birthday.

Thursday, 1 June 2017



this month in art we were told to do a big picture and retell the legend of Lake Ora.
at the bottom of the page I have put a picture so far I've done most of the painting. Really all I need to do is vivid around it, paint, colour and write. Here is my picture!!!



This week in reading we were reading a book called north we had to do lots of different activities for that book and last week we read a book called the penny walk. down bellow is my proof.



This week in maths my group was working on solving multiplication using a range of different 
strategies and I rate myself a 9.7 because i did a lot of maths and here's my proof.



This week in writing my goal was number 19 I can use a rage of sentence structures. 
if I had to rate my writing from 1-10 i would give myself an 8.6 because i did really good with constructing my work and it turned out quiet strong.

Monday, 29 May 2017



This week in maths we were given a sheet with twenty four times table problems to work out. and so far I have done sixteen of them and the LPG that they were engaging is number 16 in level six. As you can see I have proof of  this goal down bellow yey !!!

Thursday, 25 May 2017



this week in math my goals were LPG 17 and 16 solve multiplication and division using a range of different strategies. and I can prove that I did that with the picture bellow.



this week one of the LPG's I was working on was LPG 10 I can talk about who my audience is and why I am writing and I can prove that I should get one of the best smiles with my work down bellow.

Thursday, 18 May 2017


This week in maths my goal was to work multplication and divition using a range of different stratigies                
so I was given a sheat and we learnt a new way to solve multiplication. Now below you can see my egzample.



this week my goal in writing was to put in a complex sentence a complex sentence is a sentence with a word like AFTER, ALTHOUGH or IF. So I put in one of those sentence starters and thats a complex sentence. Now to see the agzample. 

Thursday, 11 May 2017



As you can see above I have a photo of my math in that photo Im deminstraiting LPG 16 and 17 in stage 6 the goal in 16 is solve multiplication using a range of strategies and the goal in 17 is solve division using a range of strategies.So that is what this worksheet helps you with.

Thursday, 4 May 2017



This week some of the goals I worked on are LPG 7,13,12 and 2.To accomplish these goals (LPG's) the whole class (pod 5) did a thirty word challenge about themselves and as you can see my thirty word challenge is above underneath you had to draw some symbols that describe yourself.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

mia's writing


by Mia Chatterton

Writing is a great thing to learn and you will use it all your life like to write a note to your friends and family.Writing is something to use and to treasure This is to let you know that you can do a lot with writing and that you can use it for all sorts of situations you will need it for nearly everything you do think of writing as something amazing and helpful not boring and useless. In this photo I was learning to use complex sentences, paragraphs and dialog. The parts of my story that are highlighted green are verbs, complex sentences and dialog.